Martijn, we are seeing this in the logs on both servers we set up to use MySQL. 
 Looks like there is one more reference to the PostgreSQL database, yes?

I tried to grep the /usr/share/djigzo folder but did not find that particular 

05 Jul 2015 23:27:16 | WARN  SQL Error: 1146, SQLState: 42S02    
(org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter) [default Worker #2] 
05 Jul 2015 23:27:16 | ERROR Table 'djigzo.user' doesn't exist    
(org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter) [default Worker #2] 
05 Jul 2015 23:27:16 | WARN  Unable to open a stateless session. Database is 
probably not active.    (mitm.common.hibernate.HibernateUtils) [default Worker 
05 Jul 2015 23:27:16 | WARN  Database is not active.    
[default Worker #2] 


On 7/4/15 2:27 PM, Martijn Brinkers wrote:
> Hi,
> It turned out that adding support for MySQL (MariaDB) was more work than
> just changing the Hibernate dialect. We had to make sure that the
> required changes did not require existing users to update the database.
> Modifying all the unit tests to support different databases was also
> quite a bit of work. That said, now we have it working for MySQL, in
> principle adding support for other database (if ever) is now relative easy.
> We have uploaded an RPM which does not depend on Postgres and contains
> the required configuration files for MySQL.
> The RPMs can be downloaded from
> Backend;
> <>
> Web GUI:
> <>
> Instructions:
> 1. Install RPMs
> Install the RPMs using the quick install guide
> ( 
> <>)
> Note: skip the parts about postgres
> 2. Install and configure MySQL (MariaDB)
> Install MySQL
> yum -y install mariadb-server mariadb
> systemctl start mariadb
> systemctl enable mariadb
> max_allowed_packet should be set to a high value (in mysql config)
> $ vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
> Add the following line below [server]
> max_allowed_packet = 128M
> Note: the max size depends on the largest email, CRL you want to support.
> systemctl restart mariadb
> 3. Create database user and database
> mysql -u root
> CREATE USER 'djigzo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'djigzo';
> CREATE DATABASE djigzo CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
> GRANT ALL ON djigzo.* TO 'djigzo'@'localhost';
> Note 1: The database should be set to UTF8
> Note 2: ALL permission should probably be changed to a lower privilege
> but we did not yet check what the minimal required privileges are.
> 4. Import database scheme
> $ mysql -u djigzo --password=djigzo djigzo <
> /usr/share/djigzo/conf/database/sql/djigzo.mysql.sql
> 5. Tell CipherMail to use MySQL
> $ vi /usr/share/djigzo/wrapper/djigzo.wrapper.conf
> Uncomment the line:
> 6. Restart
> /etc/init.d/djigzo restart
> Because if licensing issues, we use the JDBC driver from MariaDB
> ( 
> <>). If you insist on using
> the driver from MySQL, you need to remove the MariaDB jdbc driver, add
> the MySQL JDBC driver and configure the hibernate config file to use the
> MySQL driver.
> The RPM is probably not final so it might change. We are thinking of
> splitting up the packages (RPM, deb) into a back-end package which does
> not automatically configure Postgres and a database specific back-end
> package which depends on the main back-end package.
> Let me know how it goes.
> Kind regards,
> Martijn Brinkers
> On 06/30/2015 09:37 AM, <> wrote:
>> Griasde Martijn!
>> Quoting "Martijn Brinkers" <>:
>>> Interesting. Why is Postgres not allowed?
>> It's a political decision - we can use following prioroties ans databeses:
>>  1st Oracle 12
>>  2nd MariaDB
>>> Anyway, perhaps it's not of legal reasons but some technical reason.
>>> That said, Maria DB is not directly supported but you can see whether
>>> you can make it work with Maria DB.
>> That's a very good idea If you can tell me technical details about
>> changing the backend database, I'll do it,, test it and give feedback to
>> you!
>>> The database layer uses Hibernate (which is an ORM library).
>> My colleague Klaus, my database specialist, assumed, that your are using
>> Hibernate.
>>> This however has never tested but it you are willing to spend some
>>> time testing it, I can assist you.
>> Oh yes, I'll make this tests! So please tell me, what I should do!
>> Thanks for help!!!
>> Best regards
>> Django

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