On 06/03/2016 07:09 PM, Prof. Dr. Michael Schefczyk wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> In the above configuration, installed according to the instructions, 
>> everything appears to be fine except for the MTA-Configuration under 
>> "Admin".
>> That leads to the following two errors:
>> - MTA -> config: "Render queue error in
>> BeforeRenderTemplate[admin/mta/Config:relaydomains]: Failure reading 
>> parameter 'model' of component admin/mta/Config:relaydomains:
>> ProcessException: Error running
>> [/usr/local/djigzo/scripts/execute-script.sh,postfix-main-config,-g].
>> exit value: 1 (1), Class: class mitm.common.util.ProcessException"
>> - MTA -> sasl: "Render queue error in
>> SetupRender[admin/mta/SaslPasswords:grid]: Failure reading parameter 
>> 'source' of component admin/mta/SaslPasswords:grid: ProcessException:
>> Error running [/usr/local/djigzo/scripts/execute-script.sh,sasl,get].
>> exit value: 1 (1), Class: class mitm.common.util.ProcessException"
>> Under /usr/local/djigzo/scripts/, I find a lot of shell scripts owned 
>> by root:root with permissions 0755 plus links in the scripts.d 
>> subdirectory as created according to page 16 of the installation 
>> guide.
> Is there a specific reason you used the tar installation and not the RPMs? 
> Using the RPMs is highly recommended because it makes upgrading to newer 
> releases easier.
>> Can someone please point me at how to resolve this?
> Can you run the following two commands on the command line and report the 
> result:
> sudo -u djigzo /usr/share/djigzo/scripts/execute-script.sh
> postfix-main-config -g
> sudo -u djigzo /usr/share/djigzo/scripts/execute-script.sh sasl get
> Kind regards,
> Martijn Brinkers
> Thank you very much! Something (I do not understand this on the spot) is 
> wrong with the sudoers setup:
>> sudo -u djigzo /usr/share/djigzo/scripts/execute-script.sh 
>> postfix-main-config -g
> sudo: >>> /etc/sudoers.d/ciphermail: syntax error near line 4 <<<
> sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers.d/ciphermail near line 4
> sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
> sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
> content of /etc/sudoers.d/ciphermail
> User_Alias DJIGZO_USERS = djigzo
> Cmnd_Alias DJIGZO_COMMANDS = /usr/local/djigzo/scripts/do-execute-script.sh
> Defaults:root,djigzo !requiretty

Look normal to me. I did a copy-paste of the above sudoers fragment and
it worked without problems on my CentOS 7 installation.

What command are you using to edit the sudoers fragment? could there be
a DOS line ending? (not even sure whether that matters).

The error is on the following line? :

Defaults:root,djigzo !requiretty

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

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