After upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.2.7 a couple of things went wrong.
- From the webinterface menu: Admin/MTA/config - The following error appeared:
An unexpected application exception has occurred.

Render queue error in BeforeRenderTemplate[admin/mta/Config:relaydomains]: Failure reading parameter 'model' of component admin/mta/Config:relaydomains: ProcessException: Error running [/usr/share/djigzo/scripts/,postfix-main-config,-g]. exit value: 1 (1), Class: class mitm.common.util.ProcessException

- When restarting postfix from the Bash shell, the following error appears: /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/ unused parameter: djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit=512000000
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