For some reason the rule disappeared from the After adding it again the problem was solved.

Best regards and thanks again for the support.

Martijn Brinkers schreef op 28-08-2017 22:37:
On 28-08-17 21:14, Arie Koppelaar wrote:
The difference turned out to be the rule (in the latest appliance version):
message_size_limit = ${djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit}
of the file, rule 71

The line message_size_limit =
${djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit} was already part of
from the first release.

Not sure why this was different in your case. Perhaps some postfix
upgrade script changed it...

Did it work after you set message_size_limit to?:

message_size_limit = ${djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit}

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

Arie Koppelaar via Users schreef op 27-08-2017 18:37:
Thanks for your reply. Your remark about the sudo rights was spot on.
For some reason the file /etc/sudoer.d/ciphermail was lost during the
upgrade. After recreating it, the problem was solved.

Here's the first part of the mail.conf, presuming that the info you need.

# setting starting with djigzo_ will be overwritten when applying the
MTA settings
djigzo_myhostname =
djigzo_mydestination =
djigzo_mynetworks =
djigzo_relayhost =
djigzo_relayhost_mx_lookup =
djigzo_relayhost_port = 25
djigzo_relay_domains =,,
djigzo_before_filter_message_size_limit = 102400000
djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit = 512000000
djigzo_mailbox_size_limit = 512000000
djigzo_smtp_helo_name =
djigzo_relay_transport_host =
djigzo_relay_transport_host_mx_lookup =
djigzo_relay_transport_host_port = 25
djigzo_reject_unverified_recipient =
djigzo_unverified_recipient_reject_code = 450
djigzo_parent_domain_matches_subdomains =
djigzo_rbl_clients =



Martijn Brinkers via Users schreef op 27-08-2017 18:14:
On 27-08-17 00:39, Arie Koppelaar via Users wrote:
After upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.2.7 a couple of things went wrong.
- From the webinterface menu: Admin/MTA/config - The following error appeared:
An unexpected application exception has occurred.

Render queue error in BeforeRenderTemplate[admin/mta/Config:relaydomains]: Failure reading parameter 'model' of component admin/mta/Config:relaydomains: ProcessException: Error running [/usr/share/djigzo/scripts/,postfix-main-config,-g]. exit value: 1 (1), Class: class mitm.common.util.ProcessException

This error is shown when the script cannot be executed. This might be
cause by some sudoers issue or a script which cannot be executed or
some config file which cannot be loaded

Try to execute the following command

sudo -u djigzo /usr/share/djigzo/scripts/
postfix-main-config -g

It should only ask for your password (for sudo) and not for the
password of the djigzo user. The command should return the postfix
main config file and execute without any errors.

- When restarting postfix from the Bash shell, the following error appears: /usr/sbin/postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/ unused parameter: djigzo_after_filter_message_size_limit=512000000

This is a warning from Postfix. In a default CipherMail Postfix config this parameter should be used. The warning is just a warning. Postfix
should still be able to run. It could be that you modified the main
config and that this parameter is not used (hence the warning). Can
you show you postfix main config?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers
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