As far as I can tell this just started to happen today.  I thought no emails 
were being encrypted (all domain based or subject triggers) but it appears some 
are going through.  All of the certificates for domain come from the 
same place and when I look at them they all seem to be valid and similar.  How 
can I tell why it isn't selecting a certificate?  I have sent emails to these 
people in the past and it has worked.

21 Nov 2017 08:42:33 | INFO There are valid S/MIME encryption certificates for 
the recipient(s); MailID: cbb2820b-75a5-4c00-9ddf-8eda62aea341; Recipients: 
[] (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Default) [Spool 
Thread #3]

21 Nov 2017 09:09:41 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: e13bd596-ed8d-49e4-a99f-9027d26aec96; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool 
Thread #0]

21 Nov 2017 09:14:01 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: f2a3e321-ecc7-4746-aa45-0363872a10be; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) 
[Spool Thread #1]

21 Nov 2017 10:05:26 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: 18462f58-9ffb-45cc-8d87-1bea8aa23270; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool 
Thread #3]

21 Nov 2017 11:44:38 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: ba0c27df-02e7-452b-8545-6abc87df205f; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool 
Thread #0]

21 Nov 2017 13:30:58 | INFO There are valid S/MIME encryption certificates for 
the recipient(s); MailID: 5d6fc5f7-c259-4ee0-8ef7-a3d7cfad4c4b; Recipients: 
[] (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Default) [Spool 
Thread #3]

21 Nov 2017 14:07:45 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: c237b9f6-36bc-412c-a3c4-406d261b19fe; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool Thread #2]

21 Nov 2017 14:08:12 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: 9bebe358-6597-4819-b0e2-1aef3e01a3e3; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool Thread #3]

21 Nov 2017 14:12:26 | INFO There are no valid S/MIME encryption certificates 
for the recipient(s); MailID: 54f21d50-bcf0-47d9-9e16-1e2cf8bdff5c; Recipients: 
[]; (mitm.application.djigzo.james.mailets.Log) [Spool Thread #2]



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