A new version of the CipherMail email encryption gateway has been
released (4.1.2-1)

Release notes:

* EFAIL detection added (see https://ciphermail.com/blog/efail-detection-and-prevention.html for more info)

* TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 are now disabled (only TLSv1.2 is supported). Only strong TLS ciphers are enabled.

* "Clickjacking" protection added (the Web GUI now adds an "X-Frame-Options: DENY" header)

* SMTP lookup tables GUI option added [PRO/ENT].

Upgrade guide can be downloaded from:


Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers

CipherMail email encryption

Open source email encryption gateway with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP
and PDF messaging.


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