On 08/13/15 16:17, Christopher Ross wrote:
> So if your glib statement "The answer you seek is in the man pages." is true 
> I cannot find it. 

man -K EnvironmentFile

takes you first directly to SYSTEMD.EXEC(5).  Where you type /EnvironmentFile 
which brings you to the definition of EnvironmentFile= and includes the 
following in the second paragraph.

Konsole output The argument passed should be an absolute filename or wildcard
expression, optionally prefixed with "-", which indicates that if
the file does not exist, it will not be read and no error or warning
message is logged. This option may be specified more than once in
which case all specified files are read. If the empty string is
assigned to this option, the list of file to read is reset, all
prior assignments have no effect.

Which answer the question "So, what's with the hyphen after = ?? " 

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