On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Bob Goodwin <bobgood...@wildblue.net>

> Fedora21 boots and runs as expected. the others boot and run with a text
> screen but startx reports "command not found" and a ping to other than
> localhost, reports network unreachable.
> What am I missing?
> Bob


What Virtualbox release are you using?. An updated Virtualbox has been
released (5.0.12) last Friday if I remember correctly, it contains fixes
for running the latest versions fo RHEL (7.2).

Maybe indirectly it will also help with CentOS.
I'm just shooting in the dark here as you didn't provide specifics about
your VBox version or Linux distros'  versions.

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Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
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