g wrote:
> Steven P. Ulrick wrote:
>> Never mind...  When I was uninstalling some foreign language support that I
>> did not need, I uninstalled dejavu-sans-mono-fonts.noarch.  When I
>> re-installed it & restarted konsole, all was well.
>> Sorry for the noise.
> not really 'noise'.
> i will try same later tonight or tomorrow and get back with results.

problem i was having was under 'konsole'.

what is strange is it seems that problem of space has cleared without my
making any changes to fonts.

now i have a new problem, seems that konqueror is breaking and shutting down
on it's own, followed by a prompt to report.

same is happening when i try to right click background to shut down kde.

something else that has been going on for a while, connection icon shows
that internet is disconnected, yet ifconfig shows that it is up.

in trying to run yumex, after it starts, it also thinks that internet
connection is down. yet when i run yum from console, all is ok.

attempted to file reports, but this is failing also.

looks like i will try reformatting partition, reinstall fedora 12, run
updates and see what happens.


peace out.



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