On 06/07/2010 04:32 AM, g wrote:
> something else that has been going on for a while, connection icon shows
> that internet is disconnected, yet ifconfig shows that it is up.
> in trying to run yumex, after it starts, it also thinks that internet
> connection is down. yet when i run yum from console, all is ok.
I had something similar happen a while back.  But, it was caused by
things that I did.  It was quite some time ago, under F12, when I
thought I knew the ins/outs of NM and how it would interact with the
previous networking scripts.


Pascal is a language for children wanting to be naughty. -- Dr. Kasi
Ananthanarayanan 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市八德路四段

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