On Sat, 10 Dec 2016 12:52:27 +0200, Adrian Sevcenco wrote:

> Hi! It would seem that the configs for the qt and kde updates were broken ..
> trying to update i have this :
> Error: package kf5-frameworkintegration-5.27.0-1.fc23.x86_64 requires 
> qt5-qtbase(x86-64) = 5.6.1, but none of the providers can be installed.
> ........... and so on
> but if i try only qt5 update :
> dnf -v update qt5-* --best --allowerasing
> i get
> removing 7 packages :
> kde-print-manager
> kde-print-manager-libs
> plasma-desktop
> plasma-integration
> plasma-workspace
> plasma-workspace-drkonqi
> sddm-breeze
> and downgrading:
> kdeplasma-addons
> kf5-frameworkintegration
> kf5-frameworkintegration-libs
> kf5-kdeclarative
> kf5-kwayland
> kf5-plasma
> and the actual qt5 packages proposed for update are 5.6.2-1
> so .. what is going on?

You need to show the fully versioned list of which packages are installed
at the time _before_ you try to update and the fully versioned list of
which packages are available in all enabled repos.

Only then you can draw conclusions, usually after examining the package

Just based on what you've quoted, I would guess the explicit dependency
found in kf5-frameworkintegration on an older Qt 5 version blocks the
update. There should be are rebuild in the updates repo, however:
It depends on the Qt 5.6.2 package. Do you see it in the repo?
Maybe you are affected by more so-called "broken dependencies"?

Fedora still doesn't do anything to prevent such broken deps in stable
releases, unfortunately. Some stay around for a long time, because nobody
stumbles into them or nobody reports them.
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