On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 01:59:34 -0000
"William Mattison" <mattison.compu...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Good evening,
> (f26; Gnome)  This past spring, with a lot of help from this list, I
> replaced the dying hard drive on my home workstation.  But when I use
> the "disks" tool to check the health of the new hard drive,
> smartmontools continues to report test data from the old drive.  I've
> looked at the smartmontools web site, but I don't see a way of
> telling smartmontools to update itself to the new drive.  I'm a home
> user with no real sys.admin., OS, or hardware training.  So please
> spell it out clearly, in detail:
> How do I make smartmontools (and the disks tool) aware of the hard
> drive replacement and monitor the new hard drive properly?

So, if you run 
smartctl -a /dev/sd[disk letter]
as root you get output from a non-existent disk?  That doesn't make
sense.  I don't find a program on my system called disks, and the
smartmontools package definitely has no program called disks.

Step 1.
Run df
Step 2.
find the device that you want to monitor, /dev/sd?
Step 3.
As root, run 
smartctl -a /dev/sd?

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