Allegedly, on or about 17 April 2018, Bob Goodwin sent:
>  From the client /etc/fstab:
>        /mnt/test/        nfs4    defaults    0 0

Okay, looks normal.  The server has /exports/home making it available
to your LAN.

When your client saves into its /mnt/test/, files will be saved into
the server's /exports/home/

> I guess it boils down to how do I tell NFS to store data in /home
> instead of "/"? I've been looking at this and can't see what to
> change, or maybe it can';t be fixed that way?

One solution:

Stop exporting that directory (so there's no confusion in the change).
Move the current contents from /exports/home/ to /home/exports/home/
Change your server's details in its /etc/exports to the new location.
Change your client's details in their /etc/fstab to the new location.

Now, when clients write to their /mnt/test/, they'll be writing into
your other partition, at /home/exports/home/

You may want to rename some directories to be less confusing paths.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.15.10-200.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 15 17:14:41 UTC 2018 x86_64

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