On 04/18/2018 12:42 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> On 04/18/18 15:01, Rick Stevens wrote:
>> By default, Fedora uses the LVM (logical volume manager) system to
>> partition the disks. It actually creates regular partitions as a raw
>> volumes (PVs or "physical volumes"). It then typically creates a VG
>> (volume group) that has that PVs in it. From there, it carves out
>> LVs (logical volumes). On my laptop, for example, I have these (among
>> others) from the "df -h" command:
> +
>   --- Logical volume ---
>   LV Path                /dev/fedora00/home
>   LV Name                home
>   VG Name                fedora00
>   LV UUID                2Ffglt-Twti-jf1R-lmMX-mqb1-vfF7-dhAusR
>   LV Write Access        read/write
> So for me the question remains, how to get /etc/exports into
> /dev/fedora00/home?
> It looks to me like the only way I can  get /etc/exports the full TB's
> is to create a new installation and assign most of the space, ~2.7 TB to
> "/" and I would have tried that if the live installer wasn't such a
> hassle to make work unless I go with LVM instead of Standard Partitions.
> Perhaps what I should do is try to move most of that space from "/home/
> to root with gparted?
> The box86 NFS works fine otherwise, I just can't get enough space with
> only 49G in root and 2.7T in home ...

No, /etc/exports tells the NFS server which directories to export via
NFS. If you want to export /dev/fedora00/home, first find out where it's
mounted on your NFS server. You can do that by running "df -h" as root
on your NFS server. Example (again from my laptop):

        [root@golem4 ~]# df -h
        Filesystem                     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
        /dev/mapper/vg_golem4-lv_home  252G   49G  191G  21% /home

So /dev/mapper/vg_golem4-lv_home is mounted on /home. So, if I were
going to make my laptop an NFS server, I would add a line such as:


in my laptop's /etc/exports file. IMPORTANT: You export where the
filesystem is _mounted_--NOT the raw device (in this case, you export
"/home" and NOT "/dev/mapper/vg_golem4-lv_home").

Once that's done, I'd have to tell the NFS server daemon on my laptop
that I had made changes to the /etc/exports file by running the command:

        [root@golem4 ~]# exportfs -ar

The NFS server daemon on my laptop would then refresh its list of what
it's supposed to export. To verify it, you could run a

        showmount -e localhost

on the server to see what it thinks it's exporting, or

        showmount -e <NFS-servername-or-IP-address>

on one of the NFS clients to show what the server is exporting. Note
that the showmount command only shows the export name and not what
the raw device is on the NFS server. In fact, the NFS server daemon on
the server (which is what's responding to the showmount queries) doesn't
even know what device holds the directory being exported. It only
understands directories.

Then you'd mount the export on the client. Using the above stuff, an NFS
client that wanted to use my exported "/home" directory and mount it at
"/nfs/home" would do something like:

        [root@nfs-client]# mkdir -p /nfs/home
        [root@nfs-client]# mount -t nfs <NFS-servername>:/home /nfs/home

where "<NFS-servername>" is either the hostname of the NFS server or its
IP address. The first command creates the mountpoint on the client if it
doesn't already exist, the second mounts the filesystem via NFS. If you
wanted to put that in your /etc/fstab ON THE CLIENT so it'd mount at
boot, you'd add a line such as:

        <NFS-servername>:/home  /nfs/home nfs   defaults        0 0

Again, where "<NFS-servername>" is either the hostname of the NFS server
or its IP address. Note that with that line in your /etc/fstab on the
client, you could mount the filesystem via a simple

        [root@nfs-client]# mount /nfs/home

and the mount command would look for a line in /etc/fstab that matched
the filesystem specified, see that it's an NFS mount (via the "nfs"
filesystem type part of the entry or the fact that the device string
contained a ":/" sequence of characters which are unique to NFS volumes)
and invoke the proper command.

Remember, entries in /etc/exports ON THE SERVER tell the SERVER what
_directories_ to export to the clients--NOT the raw device containing
the filesystem.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ri...@alldigital.com -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-     Is that a buffer overflow or are you just happy to see me?     -
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