You’re still lucky.
Once in a while we come across thumb-drives, that after using a couple of 
times, can’t even be reformatted.

From: "Joe Zeff" <<>>
Date: Thursday, 26 November 2020 at 00:02:35
To: "Community support for Fedora users" 
Subject: Read-only flash drives

Every now and then I buy a flash drive and find that when I mount it
it's owned by root and read only except by root.  I can, of course,
change that by using chown and chmod, but that only lasts until I
unmount the drive.  Generally, I need to reformat the drive to get it
working properly.  And, it's not just Fedora; my sister uses Xubuntu,
and has the same issue.  Does anybody know a way to keep this from
happening, or to fix it without reformatting?
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