On 11/04/2010 10:49 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> Well, in principle no problem exists there, actually. If you want OO in Fedora
> in the future, feel free to step up and become its maintainer --- package it
> for Fedora, and put it in the repos. Then the whole Fedora community will have
> the choice you talk about.

I was expecting that: the typical elitist cheap-shot aimed at shutting 
up anybody who dares to use Linux without being an uber-geek programmer. 
  You know damned well that less than 5% of Linux users would be capable 
of doing that, so you use the "why don't you maintain it" card to make 
the vast majority of the Linux community feel small.  If money were the 
issue and if I weren't unemployed, I'd be glad to donate to help keep a 
package I liked maintained, but I'm not a programmer.
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