On 11/04/2010 08:48 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 11/04/2010 04:41 PM, Sam Sharpe wrote:
>> It's weird actually. I like context to my messages, because I am one
>> of those weird people who reads lists chronologically rather than
>> threaded - so giving context and history to what you are saying by
>> quoting a little too much doesn't bother me as much as it bothers some
>> people.
> So do I.  Unlike you, however, I see no reason to quote the entire 
> conversation to "give context," as I expect people to remember what's 
> been going on and only need those parts that are relevant to the reply 
> to be quoted.

The only problem with not quoting the entire conversation is that there
are cases where one might initially be ignoring a conversation because
it doesn't appear to be of interest.  At some point, though, something
sparks your interest and if no one has quoted the entire conversation,
you're left going to the archives.

I say this because it actually happened to me tonight on another list
that I'm on.  The initial exchange didn't interest me, but as the
conversation went on, I found myself wanting to reply.  However, I was
left going to the archives to catch up.

That being said, I don't think that I've necessarily made the case for
always quoting the whole conversation, either.  In my example tonight,
had the whole conversation been quoted it would have been annoyingly long.

Jason E. High
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