Well, with the confetti guns at the ready, I tried FC13, no dice.  
Boot options were:

     ide=nodma noapic acpi=off ignore_loglevel initcall_debug

     It quit at the same point it has been lately, which is giving me 
garbage on screen like my image posted yesterday, and ata3 times out, 
same error as yesterday.  By now I have tried:

         FC14 & FC13 First CD install
         FC13 First CD install
         FC14 CD netinst
         FC14 & FC13 DVD install
         FC14 & FC13 DVD Live
         CD-Drive (at least 3 different ones)
         DVD-Drive (two different ones)
         Different IDE cables

     Nothing, it seems stuck at either 'waiting for the cows to come 
home' or it goes past it but then fails with ata3 timeouts which 
eventually bombs.  I'm not willing to continue trying older versions.

     So, I'm giving up.  CentOS boot disk worked, install worked, the 
system is up and running and stable, so far.  It will remain like that 
till the day the hardware fails completely and I push the thing off of 
the back dock.

     Thank you everyone who tried helping.  While there's been no 
solution to the problem, I'm glad for the help and learned that things 
don't always work.  And when they don't, move on to something that 
will.  In this case, CentOS won the battle.  Oh, and that sharp piece of 
metal that left a nice gash in the palm of my hand while swapping drives 
for the umpteen times.  The machine can now claim to have my DNA on it.

     Tomorrow is another day, and possibly another battle.  Hopefully 
one with a much better outcome.

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