Ashley M. Kirchner <ashley <at>> writes:

>      Well, with the confetti guns at the ready, I tried FC13, no dice.  
> Boot options were:
>      ide=nodma noapic acpi=off ignore_loglevel initcall_debug
> ...

Do not worry, be happy.
You are a brave girl - the way you read all that extended output proves that
your are a pro :-)

I am afraid you have to give it a shot or two more.

Firstly, the reason you updated BIOS was to potentially fix ACPI as well.
But you tried F13 with acpi=off kernel parameter ...
So, back to a drawing board :-)

Once again, remove all parameters, except debugging-output:
ignore_loglevel initcall_debug
Run it.

Secondly, as I asked you before, take a look at BIOS. Just for a kick, every
menu (there may be some new stuff as well due to update), do not try to
change anything, just get a sense of it all.
Then consider if restoring all defaults would be an option, or selecting
automatic (where available), or giving up any unnecessary/fancy manual
Run it. As above.

Thirdly, stick around the thread for many days (even weeks) - there is
a good chance somebody will have time (like Lamar next week) and come up
with a good idea.
Or F15 devs will deliver new code that will fix these things in a few months.
Do not expect wonders - yes, some of these guys are true pusycats, but these
devs are heroes as well - they do not have access to specs, have to deal with
proprietary code (like in your case) - but look Ma, they come up with
a working software, again and again.


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