On 03/29/2011 08:08 PM, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> On 03/29/2011 10:43 PM, JD wrote:
>> On 03/29/2011 06:28 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>>> On 03/29/2011 05:08 PM, JD wrote:
>>>> Can this be attributed to Gnome or to the X server
>>>> or to the ATI Radeon driver?
>>> I'm using F 14 and Gnome and see no problems even though my mobo's maxed
>>> out at 1G RAM.  Probably the driver.
>> Well, it is taking up to 3.5 seconds for the windows
>> in a workspace to get populated and fully visible
>> when I switch to that workspace.
> What is the load avg on the system in question?  I have seen similar on
> my system when the load avg starts to climb (anything>  5 is really
> bad).  But, when he load avg is low, redraws should be good.
>> It used to be almost instantaneous in F13.
>> I have 2GB ram, and 12 GB swap space, but
>> very few apps running. Most of the time I have
>> 6 workspaces, each with a separate FireFox window,
> Firefox is a resource *PIG*.  Since it is one application, I'd look into
> how much memory it is using (both in ram and in swap), and whether or
> not any of its windows are doing anything (like displaying FLASH or
> active JAVA applets).
>> and up to 4 4 workspaces, each with a gnome terminal.
>> and 1 workspace with Thunderbird.
> How big are your mailboxes?  Thunderbird can also slow you down if you
> have large mailboxes.
>> Hardly any space is used in swap. To wit:
>> # swapon -s
>> Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
>> /dev/sda3            partition    4200992   17540     -1
>> /dev/sdb2            partition    8385924    0        -2
> What does your performance look like after you close *every* firefox
> window and thunderbird?  [make sure firefox is no longer running.]
Here's my load average as reported by top:

top - 21:02:44 up 1 day,  6:41,  5 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.30, 0.73
The 5 users are myself: the main Gnome login session,
and 4 Gnome-terminal login shells (I always  start the gnome terminal
as a login shell (-ls)  )
Guy, it is not the system load. Under fc13, even when I had multiple
kernel builds going, 6 FF windows, each with 3 to 4 tabs, and Thunderbird
running, switching workspaces was snappy.

Something is terribly wrong with Xserver or Gnome, or Ati Radeon Driver,
or all 3.
What's worse: it will be exceedingly difficult for me to roll back to fc13.
Isn't progress wonderful!
I hope an Xorg developer sees this!!

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