Varuna Seneviratna wrote:

> I started the service But I had to log on as root.

Um, not really.  Well, that rather depends on what *you* mean by
"logging on."  

You only need to do "su -" (in the command line of your normal login) to
be allowed to start the webserver, then a "service httpd start" command,
and then you can go back to being yourself, once it's started.

  [tim@gonzales ~]$ su -
  [root@gonzales ~]# service httpd start
  Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
  [root@gonzales ~]# exit

If you start it up from one of the configuration GUIs, it'll ask you to
enter the root password, just to use that GUI.  Again, you only need to
be logged in as yourself.

If you plan to do a lot of web development work, you might configure the
service to it always starts itself each time you boot up.

> 1 How to Do web Development, I am not able to(not allowed) save any
> .html or any other file in the directory /var/www/html Do I have to
> logged in as root to Do web Development?

No, you don't.  However, you're going to have to change some things,

While still the root user, you change the ownership of /var/www/html to

While still the root user, you can reconfigure the webserver to use a
different directory, one that is owned by yourself (such as a
sub-directory placed inside /var/www/html.

> 2 Am I safe from outside intrusion when running the Web Server bound to port 
> 80

No.  Whether you're safe, or not, depends on other factors.  Is there a
firewall on your ISP or your modem router, between the outside world and
your computer?  Are you running a firewall on your computer?  Those are
the things that will stop outsiders from reaching it.

NB:  Don't top post on this list.  Write your replies below the bits of
someone's messages that you're replying to, as I've done.

Also, I see you've got your own address in the "reply-to" header, this
means that you will be sent a reply, directly, as well as a reply that
has come through the list.  If you want that, fine.  Otherwise, remove
your address from the reply-to headers.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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