On 13 April 2011 12:01, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Varuna Seneviratna wrote:
>> I started the service But I had to log on as root.
> Um, not really.  Well, that rather depends on what *you* mean by
> "logging on."
> You only need to do "su -" (in the command line of your normal login) to
> be allowed to start the webserver, then a "service httpd start" command,
> and then you can go back to being yourself, once it's started.
>  [tim@gonzales ~]$ su -
>  Password:
>  [root@gonzales ~]# service httpd start
>  Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
>  [root@gonzales ~]# exit
>  logout
This is exactly what I did Tim and it is to the above procedure that I
referred to have had to login as root

> If you start it up from one of the configuration GUIs, it'll ask you to
> enter the root password, just to use that GUI.  Again, you only need to
> be logged in as yourself.
What is the or are the configuration GUis that are included with
fedora 14 or can be installed?

> If you plan to do a lot of web development work, you might configure the
> service to it always starts itself each time you boot up.
>> 1 How to Do web Development, I am not able to(not allowed) save any
>> .html or any other file in the directory /var/www/html Do I have to
>> logged in as root to Do web Development?
> No, you don't.  However, you're going to have to change some things,
> first.
> While still the root user, you change the ownership of /var/www/html to
> yourself.

How Am I able to change the ownership of the /var/www/html through the
terminal when logged in as root?

> While still the root user, you can reconfigure the webserver to use a
> different directory, one that is owned by yourself (such as a
> sub-directory placed inside /var/www/html.

While I am the root user How is it possible to configure the webserver
to use a different directory through the terminal?

>> 2 Am I safe from outside intrusion when running the Web Server bound to port 
>> 80
> No.  Whether you're safe, or not, depends on other factors.  Is there a
> firewall on your ISP or your modem router, between the outside world and
> your computer?  Are you running a firewall on your computer?  Those are
> the things that will stop outsiders from reaching it.

As usual the Firewall that comes with fedora is enabled.But what I am
not aware of is that when an webserver is listinig on port 80 is it
accessible to outside parties?

> NB:  Don't top post on this list.  Write your replies below the bits of
> someone's messages that you're replying to, as I've done.

I am sorry If I inconvenienced you guys by doing top posting.I typed
where the curer appeared when the reply link was clicked on the Gmail
inbox.I hope i have now corrected that error

> Also, I see you've got your own address in the "reply-to" header, this
> means that you will be sent a reply, directly, as well as a reply that
> has come through the list.  If you want that, fine.  Otherwise, remove
> your address from the reply-to headers.

What you say is True But I don't get two copies I don't know why?
> --
> [tim@localhost ~]$ uname -r
> Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
> read messages from the public lists.
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