On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 2:13 PM, JD <jd1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The eth0 is not active. It is configured with a static IP, but it is
> disconnected.
> Ditto on the PowerBook machine. It is configured with a static IP
> but is is disconnected, so the ether links on both machines is down.
> Only the wireless is active.
> I do not understand why you say I have an IP6 address.
> the LAN is on IP4 addresses.

Even if you have ipv6 disabled for en1 in OS X, "netstat -nr" will
output ipv6 data if you don't add "-f inet" to restrict the output to
ipv4 (like "-4" in the Fedora netstat), as is evidenced in your post.
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