Christian Kreibich <christian <at>> writes:

> Thanks Sam for the pointer and quick response. I can't use something 
> known to have security holes and that I need to patch to be able to 
> listen to stuff. Is the 32-bit wrapped plugin known to be broken on F15 
> then? What's the difference to F14, where it worked on the same machine? 
> Would be great if somebody updated that wiki page, to save others 
> frustration.

The 32-bit wrapped plugin works fine for me (both F14 and F15 x86_64) following
the instructions at

Assuming all instructions are followed, the only other trouble I've ever had is
the occasional need to delete ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/pluginreg.dat and let the
browser recreate it if it doesn't list the correct version of the Flash plugin.

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