Andre Robatino <robatino <at>> writes:

> Petrus de Calguarium <pgueckel@...> writes:
> > 
> > Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
> > 
> > > Then, I run, as root (not sure if you need to cd
> > > /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins, but it can't hurt, just in case):
> > > 
> > > mozilla-plugin-config -i
> > > 
> > 
> > I forgot to mention, in case you are copying the tarball by hand into the
> > plugin directory... Make sure that ownership is root:root, otherwise the
> > command will not work.
> > 
> > After running the command, verify by going to the directory 
> > /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins-wrapped and you will see a new entry
> > 
> >
> What does running this command manually do that restarting the browser
> doesn't? I've never had to run mozilla-plugin-config manually. I install
> flash-plugin from the repo (either Adobe's 32-bit or Leigh's 64-bit) with the
> necessary extra packages from the instructions, then quit and restart the
> browser. A little testing shows that the nswrapper_??_?? 
> file
> is created automatically when the browser is restarted (part of the "check the
> plugin" instructions). Running "mozilla-plugin-config -i" creates the file, 
> but
> the browser doesn't immediately recognize it, so I have to restart the browser
> anyway.

The reason I ask is that the current instructions at tell _everyone_ (both on 32- and 64-bit) to
run mozilla-plugin-config. I know it's not always necessary (since it's never
been necessary for me). I intend to at least qualify this part of the
instructions to indicate WHO (if anyone) needs to run mozilla-plugin-config.
(For example, does it have something to do with using a non-Mozilla browser?
I've always used Firefox.) Adding unnecessary instructions makes it more likely
that someone will fail to do one of the essential ones, so it's NOT cost-free,
and enough people have trouble making the plugin work as it is. (I spent
significant time figuring out the shortest possible yum install commands for
this exact reason.) If the command IS actually necessary, it would also be good
to determine if it's necessary to do the cd command first, and remove it if not,
for the same reason.

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