On 06/24/2011 10:09 AM, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 03:56:58PM +0200, Andras Simon wrote:
>> On 6/24/11, Darryl L. Pierce <dpie...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Whenever I try to put my laptop into either suspend or hibernate mode
>>> (i.e., close the lid when not plugged in) the laptop _seems_ to be
>>> trying to go to sleep but never quite gets there. The battery light
>>> stays on, the sleep light (crescent moon) light blinks, but there's no
>>> disk activity and the power light stays on.

 For what its worth - I have a sandy bridge W520 and i can sleep it no
prob at all. Caveat:

 1) I'm using KDE

 2) I installed the 3.0 koji kernel (with a few needed companion
packages - I can detail this if you like).

 3) I note that a newer 2.6.38 build is in koji with some sandy bridge
fixes that may help.

 4) I have the nvidia optimus but at the moment I have turned off the
nvidia in in bios so am using the intel i915 graphics. Haven't had time
to deal with trying this - too many other things to deal with on this

 So it definitely works on F15 with the right pieces in place.

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