On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 16:43 -0600, Chris Kottaridis wrote:
> I am using Fedora 14.
> I setup my mail server with dovecot so I am now able to access my host
> for email from other hosts within my local net. It's been very helpful
> to have that.
> While I was able to add a dovecot mailer to the sendmail.cf file I was
> never able to make it the local mailer. In the end I had to create
> a .forward file and pipe the message through dovecot-lda. However, with
> this limitation it only works for real user's with home directories that
> would have a .forward file.
> Are there any good pointers that could give me the necessary details to
> run dovecot-lda as the local mailer from sendmail which should be able
> to allow me to support virtual mail users that don't have a home
> directory with a .forward file ?
> A few weeks ago I played with this quite a bit, but never got the
> sendmail.cf file quite right to use dovcot-lda as the local mailer.
> Also, I have sieve enabled in dovecot. Right now I have evolution up and
> running on one machine all the time that does the filtering of incoming
> messages into their folders. The rest of the machines don't apply any
> filters. I'd like to generate a sieve file so that dovecot-lda does the
> filtering when the email initially comes in. But, I don't want to have
> to login to one specific machine and edit the sieve instructions every
> time I want to make a change.
> So, I have manage sieve enabled, but as far as I can tell evolution
> doesn't have a manage sieve client. I played with thunderbird a bit and
> it seems it has a sieve extension that will access the manage sieve tool
> to imap. But, I'd like to stick with evolution.
> Is there an evolution plugin that will allow client access to manage
> sieve from evolution ?

Not as far as I know. It's been requested more than once but there
doesn't seem to be enough interest to get someone to work on it, which
is a pity. Perhaps if more IMAP servers supported it that would change,
but it's a chicken and egg situation.


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