Craig White writes:

I think his opinion matters as much as anyone else (and I gather that in
the eyes of Gnome developers, not so much).

You know my feelings as I too am a KDE 4 survivor ;-) To make an omelet,
you have to break some eggs. I think there is a core of long time Linux
users who were upset because their familiar interface changed. Such is

It's not that stuff has merely changed. It's that the stuff has changed, major parts of existing functionality were removed without having any functional replacements, and every time someone points this out, they're told that they're too stupid to know what's good for them, and this is The Better Way. There was a very good rant on Slashdot today, about an apparent army of fired UI "experts" that, apparently, have nothing better to do than invade existing projects, and remove existing functionality and replace it with rounded corners and gradient background colors.

In Gnome 2 I had a usable panel widget that showed my sensors CPU temperature, a small weather widget, and a power management widget that actually showed the watt-hour capacity of my laptop battery, so I can observe it degradation, with every passing month.

Gnome 3 came without any kind of a sensors CPU widget. There's one now, which does not work. I can see why it's broken, it's reading off an internal hardcoded list of /sys paths, and my kernel creates /sys nodes for its eight CPU core thermal sensors that the widget doesn't know anything about, so it just sits there, and tells me I'm running at 0 degrees Celsius. There's still no weather panel wiget, to my knowledge. At one point I have a dim recollection that "gnome-power-manager-extras" existed, that added a comparable watt-hour popup, but right now nothing like it exists, and the icon just sits there with a single %-age label.

And I won't even get started on the clusterfracas with the desktop icons, and the evolution of the "have file-manager handle the desktop" option in tweaktools.

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