On 12/11/2011 08:38 PM, Christopher Svanefalk wrote:
>> I have been running Fedora since Werewolf. Recently, I had to start
>> dualbooting Windows XP because of collegework, and one of the things
>> I noticed rather fast was how much cooler my system runs under XP.
>> Now I want to know why.

if you give consideration to programs linux runs in background compared
to what oos runs, i believe you might get a better grasp of why.

granted, a lot of linux programs are sleeping, but many are wide awake
and active.

if oos had a 'ps' command where you could make a list as you can in linux,
you would see what i mean.

if you want to 'cool down', try a recompile of your kernel and thin out
modules that you do not need.

the less 'fancies' cpu has to tickle, the less work and more rest for

also, linux is a multi user, multi tasking os. the less tasks, the less

btw, if you reply, please use 'text/plain'. i hate digging in trash. ;)

On 12/11/2011 09:34 PM, Patrick Lists wrote:
> FWIW I have seen something similar on my workstation with up-to-date F16
> x86_64 with GNOME3. The ATI HD57xx card heats up to more than 90C even
> when I was just typing an email in Thunderbird and nothing else loaded.

how intensive is your display? ie, horz x vert res, refresh rate, amount
of what is visible in background and icons on desktop, task bar displayed,
etc, etc.

if you can watch your ati's temp, drop your resolution just to see how
much temp changes.

when is last time you cleaned fan and heat sink/s?

and, as yon found, drivers do make a difference.


peace out.



*please reply "plain text" only. "html text" are deleted*

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to mess up a linux box, you need to work at it.
to mess up an ms windows box, you just need to *look* at it.
The installation instructions stated to install Windows 2000 or better.
So I installed Linux.
learn linux:
'Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition' http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html
'The Linux Documentation Project' http://www.tldp.org/
'LDP HOWTO-index' http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/index.html
'HowtoForge' http://howtoforge.com/

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