On 12-12-11 05:21, g wrote:
> On 12/11/2011 09:34 PM, Patrick Lists wrote:
>> FWIW I have seen something similar on my workstation with up-to-date F16
>> x86_64 with GNOME3. The ATI HD57xx card heats up to more than 90C even
>> when I was just typing an email in Thunderbird and nothing else loaded.
> how intensive is your display? ie, horz x vert res, refresh rate, amount

Afaik it's 1920x1080 at 60Hz.

> of what is visible in background and icons on desktop, task bar displayed,
> etc, etc.

Thunderbird is full screen and there is a smaller window on top about 
1/3 the size of the screen in which I was writing an email.

> if you can watch your ati's temp, drop your resolution just to see how
> much temp changes.

I have no idea how to change the resolution nor how to monitor the temp 
of the ATI videocard now that the Catalyst drivers are installed.

> when is last time you cleaned fan and heat sink/s?

Last week.

> and, as yon found, drivers do make a difference.

Yes the Catalyst drivers made things a lot better. Yet I would prefer to 
run the F16 radeon driver but for now that seems out of the question.

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