On 12/13/2011 5:42 AM, Matthew J. Roth wrote:


My advice is to keep it simple.  Burn the Clonezilla Live¹ ISO to a
CD/DVD and use it to save an image of the current hard drive to the
USB drive.  Step-by-step directions for saving and restoring the
image² are provided.

I've been following this thread and you're getting a lot of good
advice, but simplicity and reliability are key when dealing with
backups.  In my opinion, Clonezilla Live is very easy to use and it
will "just work" for your task.

¹ Clonezilla live: http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live.php
² Clonezilla - Live Doc: http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live-doc.php


Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer


Thanks ... my postings should indicate that I really like simple and your suggestion is the one I am currently considering. I want to check out G4L now that I have better doc material, but if Clonezilla is as easy as most people say I am still leaning to it.

Yes, there has been alot of good advice and I really appreciate all the suggestions and options. I like it when posts to this list prove this fruitful

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