On Wed, 21 Mar 2012, jackson byers wrote:

did you follow the Andras->Tom Horsley link?


did you first extract the vmlinuz, initrd.img   from the /isolinux/
directory on the iso?


did you then create a grub.conf install stanza, following Horsley's example?
Note that he uses the  "repo=" option;


In my opinion you should try following his example exactly, including
the "repo=" part.

Did that too.
'Tis hard to document.

I have followed Horsley's prescription for hdinstalls for several
years with great success.

Here is the most recent stanza.
/dev/sda3 is no longer a DVD image.
It gave me error messages.

title Install Fedora from iso
        root (hd0,2)
        kernel /vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/
        initrd /initrd.img
#The /boot/f15x directory is where I extracted the vmlinuz
#and initrd.img files from the isolinux directory on
#the iso image, and /zooty/salvage/iso-images/Fedora-15-Beta-x86_64-DVD/
#is the directory where I saved the iso image (where
#the /zooty mountpoint mounts a partition with the label ZOOTY).

Here is what I fed to the grub command line this time:
        root (hd0,2)
        find /vmlinuz
        find /initrd.img
        kernel /vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/
        initrd /initrd.img
#The /boot/f15x directory is where I extracted the vmlinuz
#and initrd.img files from the isolinux directory on
#the iso image, and /zooty/salvage/iso-images/Fedora-15-Beta-x86_64-DVD/
#is the directory where I saved the iso image (where
#the /zooty mountpoint mounts a partition with the label ZOOTY).

Here is the result from the grub command line:
[root@localhost tmp]# grub < stanza.txt
Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.

    GNU GRUB  version 0.97  (640K lower / 3072K upper memory)

 [ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.  For the first word, TAB
   lists possible command completions.  Anywhere else TAB lists the
   completions of a device/filename.]
grub> root (hd0,2)
 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> find /vmlinuz
grub> find /initrd.img
grub> kernel /vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/ 
   [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x4000, size=0x3dbf60]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@localhost tmp]#

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"On Monday, I'm gonna have to tell my kindergarten class,
whom I teach not to run with scissors,
that my fiance ran me through with a broadsword."  --  Lily
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