On Thu, 22 Mar 2012, jackson byers wrote:

did you follow the Andras->Tom Horsley link?

Yes.  See my previous reply.
done some experimenting since.
My machine can still boot from my FC13 installation disk.
I let it get as far as offering to test the media.  I can't find my F14 disk.
I copied FC13's vmlinuz to a hard drive and
tried again with the grub command line.
The kernel command segfaulted again.
I even did a yum reinstall grub, but it didn't help.
The kernel command still segfaulted.

I don't follow you at all; You are evidently even having trouble
on your existing F!3 (or F14), exactly how I don't understand.
You do need a working linux to do the hdinstall.

I have F14 installed, but F13 is the most recent DVD I can find.

--you are evidently not using a grub.conf
 but rather running grub from the cmdline,
 which in my opinion just further makes it likely to make errors.

I've done it both ways.
The constant rebooting and logging in gets tedious.
I don't type into the grub comand line, I use a file as standard input.

--you are evidently using a kickstart ks.cfg,
 about which I know nothing,
 but ks.cfg is  not used in the Horsley prescription

In the interest of ease of diagnosis, I've left it off this time.

--why are you using the 'find' cmd in grub?

Documenting that the files were there.

 You should know _exactly_ where you put the vmlinuz,initrd.img files
 extracted from the iso.
 And that info should be easily placed into a grub.conf stanza.

I wanted to demonstrate to potential helpers
that I gave grub the correct information.

 You can also rename those files to vmlinuz-install, initrd.img-install
 which is recommended in the fedora project info,
 and  which makes clear that they are intended for an "install" stanza,
not to be confused with normal vmlinuz,....

I was following the Andras->Tom Horsley link somewhat slavishly.

Here is my most recent effort.
The last stanza in grub.conf is:
title Install Fedora from iso
        root (hd0,2)
        pause have rooted
        find  /isolinux/vmlinuz
        pause have finded
        kernel /isolinux/vmlinuz repo=hd:LABEL=/home1:/
        pause have kerneled
        find   /isolinux/initrd.img
        pause have finded
        initrd /isolinux/initrd.img
        pause have initrded
#The /boot/f15x directory is where I extracted the vmlinuz
#and initrd.img files from the isolinux directory on
#the iso image, and /zooty/salvage/iso-images/Fedora-15-Beta-x86_64-DVD/
#is the directory where I saved the iso image (where
#the /zooty mountpoint mounts a partition with the label ZOOTY).

All the pauses happened.
The last line before catatonia ended:
BUG: unable to handle kernel.

The kernel is the one I copied from the installation iso.
[root@localhost isolinux]# sha256sum vmlinuz
73ca29c9e5d819b238f872fc8321c61720abdb4df04c714456c8b1ce5c174419  vmlinuz

Also, the DVD iso is where I told the kernel it was:
[root@localhost ~]# e2label /dev/sdb1
[root@localhost ~]# df /homes
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1             38456308  28798716   7704092  79% /homes
[root@localhost ~]# ls /homes
F13  Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso.gz  hennebry
F16  Fedora-16-i386-DVD.iso     lost+found

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"On Monday, I'm gonna have to tell my kindergarten class,
whom I teach not to run with scissors,
that my fiance ran me through with a broadsword."  --  Lily
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