> Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> You are talking nonsense if by "modern" you mean "recent".
> My daughter just bought an Asus laptop (1015BX) with 1GB RAM installed,
> and a maximum 2GB RAM installable.

here is the question why buying crap these days?

my co-worker bought last year a notebook with 4 GB RAM
normal HP machine around 800 € a year ago

> I don't consider Fedora suitable for a server.

your opinion

if you need a recent software stack and have to
compile all things at your won while libraries
are outdated you are going through hell

> I suspect you live in a different world to the rest of us,
> and should be wary of giving advice on what should or should not
> be included in Fedora.
> Ps I guess this should be directed at Reindl Harald, not you

i live in the world where someone starts his work in the
morining and powers on his computer once each day and
have all other machines running 365/7/24

waking up from suspend to disk takes much longer as a cold start
and even if this is not interesting my expierience with applications
and services having open network connections is that it sucks if they
are woken up in another network

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