Am 18.05.2012 11:57, schrieb Alan Cox:
> I would question your maths on disk costs and electricity pricing too. To
> an extent its an open question given there's a human work cost involved
> but even a reasonably efficient modern machine running 24 x 7 is using a
> fair amount of kWh with associated costs.

60-70W is not much, this are only a few € each year
keep in mind that this is not more than a bulb you
forgot to switch off in the morining before you go
to work

keep also in mind that this bublb is not that much , your
energy costs, they are caused by your refrigerator, your
dishwasher, microwave oven, your cooker and such things
and not by one machine with 60-70W while this is not only
the machine

the UPS is measuring switches, modem, printer and the SIP-phone
too which are not off if you suspend only the PC

so the power of this one machine alone does not matter and if it
is running it can do scheduled jobs like backups from machines
into a virtual container and typical cleanup-jobs you do not want
to run if you are working

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