On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 14:28 +0200, suvayu ali wrote:
> I don't know the details but if this makes all Flash sites start
> working reliably on Linux, I would be willing to put up with work
> arounds like using VMs for a year or two.

If by "VM" you mean Windows software working in a virtual machine, then
that's /not/ something I'm willing to do.  Even if my hardware was meaty
enough to run one OS inside another, or partial emulations of the
Windows environment, I don't want any part of that lousy programming
scheme on my PC.

I really do not see using Windows inside a box, inside a box, as being
any better than just running Windows natively.  The entire ethos of
programming for Windows seems to be done by idiots.  For instance, how
many decades of buffer overruns does it take before they get it through
their thick heads that you have to handle input properly?  Or that you
don't just execute random data coming through the internet?  Or that
dropping security, running as admin, etc, is not the correct answer to
working around some daft programming?

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