On 2012-08-05 10:44, Patrick Dupre wrote:
On 2012-08-05 02:00, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 08/05/2012 07:24 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:

This is the second time that it happens:
The uograde from fedora 16 to 17 fails with the message:
The /usr merge script failed. THis is required for Fedora 17 to work. The upgrade cannot continue.

Then, it is impossible to boor on the previous installation.

This is a real serious bug (x86_64)

I may be a serious problem.  But it won't get addressed if you don't
file a *detailed* bugzilla. On your F16 system, did you have /usr on
a separate partition?


I have /

(Old fashion, like it was recommanded a while ago).

An upgrade failure is annoying. But, should never be fatal. In that
doing a backup before hand simply results in one doing a fresh
Yes I have a backup, but it would better to undertsand before
reinstalling again
because this failure is reproducible. In fact probably very little
need to repaired.
I have other machines to update.

This were the issue is:
in update.py
Why anaconda tries to make symbolic link when it is just regular partition?
So, how can I go back to the previous configuration?
How, can I anticipate the issue?

def upgradeUsr(anaconda):
Handle the upgrade of /bin, /sbin, /lib, /lib64 to symlinks into /usr/
    This uses dracut's convertfs module
    dirs = ["/bin", "/sbin", "/lib", "/lib64"]
    dirs = [ROOT_PATH+d for d in dirs]
    if all(map(os.path.islink, dirs)):
        log.info("upgradeusr dirs are already symlinks")

    if anaconda.intf is not None:
        w = anaconda.intf.waitWindow(_("Upgrade /usr symlinks"),
                            _("Running /usr merge script"))

if iutil.execWithRedirect("/usr/lib/dracut/modules.d/30convertfs/convertfs.sh",
                              stdout="/dev/tty5", stderr="/dev/tty5"):
        log.error("convertfs failed")

        if anaconda.intf is not None:
            rc = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("/usr merge failed"),
_("The /usr merge script failed. This is required" " for Fedora 17 to work. The upgrade cannot continue."
    log.info("convertfs was successful")

    if anaconda.intf is not None:

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 Patrick DUPRÉ                |   |  email: pdu...@kegtux.org


 Patrick DUPRÉ                |   |  email: pdu...@kegtux.org
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