On 12/16/2012 08:47 AM, Tim wrote:

> On Sat, 2012-12-15 at 11:18 -0600, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> Unless you think you have a chance of being singled out by a goverment
>> or if you don't trust some of the people/machines on your local
>> network, this isn't a significant risk.
> You don't think some malcontent might try to set up a bogus repo, or
> damage another one, just because they're an ass?

On the face of it, I'm pretty certain an outfit such as Red Hat won't
allow such a thing to happen (it may be a possibility in testing i.e.
Fedora for a short while but I doubt even that will happen). In fact,
after another quick look at the link I see that a bug has now been
filed: <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=877623> about this.

It's probably best to wait & see what happens when 18 ships & if this is
still the case, it's up to individuals to approach the upgrade as they
see fit.



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