Am 19.02.2013 22:42, schrieb Gordan Bobic:
> On 19/02/2013 21:01, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 19.02.2013 21:55, schrieb Gordan Bobic:
>>> To give you an idea, I have a 24/7 server here, with a 4GB rootfs (ext4, no 
>>> journal), including /var/log, and gets
>>> yum updated reasonably regularly. It was created in May 2011, and has since 
>>> then seen a grand total of 31GB of
>>> writes, according to dumpe2fs. If it were on flash media, that would be 
>>> about 8 full overwrites. 2992 remaining. Or
>>> to put it another way, it has used up about 0.26% of it's life expectancy 
>>> so far over 20 months. I would worry far
>>> more about silent bit-rot on traditional RAID mechanical disks.
>> you really do not need to give me an idea :-)
>> Filesystem created:       Wed Jun  8 13:10:56 2011
>> Lifetime writes:          44 TB
> On how big a file system / disk?

3,6T = 12 overwrites

> Even if it was a 4GB SSD, you'd still be at 25% of it's life expectancy after 
> 18 months. That's 6 years of total
> projected life expectancy. I have grown to expect less out of my mechanical 
> disks

ah and you have long time expierience about SSD's
over 6 years? i doubt no and i doubt they are not
as relieable as you would wish

data without a raid are useless and in case of
RAID you have to have at least one full backup
and so it does not care me if disks are dying

the real important daza are on RAID6 with 12
SAS disks, have daily backups offsite and weekly
de-duplication backups as also monthly off-site
backups with switch backup media every second month

the other machines are mirrored daily to the other
side of the city and backuped one a month

that said: i have never lost any data in my whole life

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