On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Patrick Dupre
<patrick.du...@univ-littoral.fr> wrote:

> I installes texlive2012,
> but apparently the fonts are not installed!
> In additon, when I make,
> rpm -ql texlive
> I get:
> (contains no files)
> while:
> rpm -q texlive
> texlive-2012-16.20130205_r29034.fc18.x86_64
> Whould I finish the install manually?

TeX under Fedora is frankly a joke these days :-( I don't know if
there's currently a maintainer. Certainly no one's responding to
critical bug reports. ConTeXt is literally unusable out of the box (as
in, it doesn't run at all), which make typesetting my books
problematic. I'm currently editing them on my box, and then
typesetting them on my girlfriend's box, which is running an older
version of Fedora, which does at least have a working texexec.


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