
My initial effort at using fedup on my desktop (basic dual-core setup) failed with some sort of error message (I posted this previously, and apparently on bugzilla has indicated that it is a known bug).

I have successfully used fedup (F17 -> F18) on an i386 laptop (I've also done a fresh F18 install on an x68_64 laptop). So, I've gotten through this.

I saw that there was a fedup upgrade in updates-testing; it has been there for some time.

I installed the updates-testing version of fedup on my desktop, and then proceeded with an F17->F18 upgrade.

All required packages have been download (about 4100).

I've rebooted (per instructions), hit "System Upgrade" on the GRUB menu.

I then hit <ESC> so that I could see the messages to the screen instead of the thermometor reading (it's in the FedUp Wiki page).

It's now at: upgrade-re[712]: starting upgrade-pre hook

It's been at this point for some time; the harddrive like is flickering away throughout.

My question is, how long should I expect this processs to continue before I get
Upgrade[712]: Preparing for upgrade ...

and all of the subsequent messages that I've gotten during the one prior successful execution of fedup (that I referenced above).

Much thanks,

Max Pyziur
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