Am 20.03.2013 20:50, schrieb Gordon Messmer:
>> virtualization?
> We fully expect that to come to mobile devices.

if you would know about you are speaking you would
know that you NEVER can virtualize a x86 CPU on
ARM architecture

this does not help you to run legacy apps

and i still speak of WORKING with computers

>> you need at least CPU power, you need RAM and you need fast disks
>> sorry, but there where i work you will never replace a workstation
>> with such toys in the office instead use the BEST tools for whatever
>> you need instead such crippleded "fits all and nothing"
> Your point of view seems unflexibly narrow.

i am long enough in the business
i switched from noteboom to desktop 2 years ago
i saw many buzzwords come and go

> You don't seem to be able to conceive of the simple fact that the
> future is not entirely like the present.  

the homeuser future does not interest me nor does it Redhat

> Compare the specs of a smart phone today to devices just 3 or 4 years
> ago. The growth in capability is astounding.

compare the specs of a workstation today and look how
stupid developers managed to waste more ressources to
not benfit of all the better performance

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