Am 21.03.2013 19:29, schrieb Gilboa Davara:
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:27 PM, Reindl Harald <> 
> wrote:
>> NEVER EVER will somebody store critical data in the cloud
>> and if he does we will hear only a last *bang* from this
>> guy after some bad news what went wrong
> First, *Never* say never

in topics which are my daily business i know
where i say never and where people which think
different will regret it

> Second, I'd suggest you open your eyes and look around you.

my eyes are wide open

> Sadly enough, most people use computers to consume and not produce,
> and out of those who do produce, a large majority only needs a
> browser

and i use them to produce

and if there would be no system to produce they have
nothing to consume - said that it is unlikely that
linux becomes as operating system only to consume and
from it's history especially a Redhat-driven distribution
like Fedora at least not

so before someone demands Fedora become a consume-only
OS for noobs he should switch to a consumer distribution

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