Am 02.04.2013 20:39, schrieb Bob Goodwin - Zuni:
> On 02/04/13 14:13, Joe Zeff wrote:
> As a home user, I don't need to resize things dynamically, and LVM is the 
> solution to a problem I don't have.
> Over the last couple of years I've managed to install Fedora a few times 
> minus LVM but I never seem to get the
> directory structure optimized, in fact far from it.
> What I need is an example of a simple directory tree with the proper sizes

this depends COMPLETLY on your use-case
but i agree that LVM is useless for most workloads
i sue it only for the datadisk of the fileserver to have the option
add anotehr 1 TB disk to the existung 5 and resize the volume

i have machines with /boot, rootfs, /var/log, /var/cache, /var/spool and /tmp
as own partitions or even own disks in case of virtual servers while the
"backup buddy" of the same machine has only /boot and /

for my workstations i have /boot, rootfs and data
/home is a bind-mount at data

but even here - the sizes are depending on your workload
10 GB would have been enough for my rootfs, but the setup is
planned to run > 10 years without a re-install, my co-developer
has the same partitioning and his rootfs has 11 GB in use while
we both have the samle working-tasks and i try to minimize

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ LANG=C; df
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md1       ext4   29G  6.1G   23G  22% /
/dev/md0       ext4  477M   30M  447M   7% /boot
/dev/md2       ext4  3.6T  1.6T  2.0T  45% /mnt/data

[harry@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/fstab | grep bin
/mnt/data/home               /home                                   none  bind
/mnt/data/.tmp               /tmp                                    none  bind
/mnt/data/.tmp               /var/tmp                                none  bind
/mnt/data/www/  /Volumes/dune/www-servers               none  bind
/mnt/data/www/phpincludes    /Volumes/dune/www-servers/phpincludes   none  bind

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