On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 17:41 +1000, Roger wrote:

> I believe that the latest Apache updates of some time ago were flawed or 
> do not correctly  interact with php or php updates were flawed and have 
> not been corrected. I have nothing to back up this assertion other than 
> the problems now being experienced and a recommendation to remove php 
> 5.4 and revert to an earlier version.
> Please don't quote me on this, It's what I've noticed, read and considered.
you should figure out if the version of Drupal you are using is
compatible with PHP 5.4 (used by Fedora 18)
> When I use Ruby on Rails I do not have issues because it uses WEBrick.
webrick is only for development mode - not suitable for actually running
an application as it's single threaded.
> CentOS is a server system but can be used for a stable desktop system 
> and has been recommended as an alternative.
> So what does CentOS 6.n desktop, yum update actually update or does it 
> leave all the apps like cinnamon desktop, skype, gimp, apache, php, 
> libreoffice, python, pulseaudio, gnome, Firefox or chrome as they are 
> first installed, circa Fedora 14ish?
> One would think that this would leave significant vulnerability.
> If it runs the latest spate of updates then is it not little different 
> from Fedora 18 but with an old kernel?
CentOS does not differentiate server/workstation but only installs
CentOS and the packages you choose to install essentially determine what
the role will be. Throughout the life of say CentOS 6.x, it won't change
much at all - only bug fixes, security updates. Versions of server
daemons rarely change. Sometimes the versions of desktop applications
change but that is still infrequent and typically done out of necessity
(ie, when Firefox obsoleted earlier versions).
> Further reading implies that the better CentOS installation should be 
> text based as a server only and that I should run all my work on the 
> server not Fedora 18.
not actually true
> Further, I have 2 gig memory, intel mb, fast dual cpu, 250g hard drives 
> and my desktop fedora 18 uses 55-63 percent memory. I thought this may 
> be affecting php and apache, hence Drupal, but
> The Dell 1520 laptop has the same internals and memory and uses 
> 25percent of the 2 gig memory, same drupal, same Ruby on Rails.
> I'm puzzled because after checking ps aux, top, and System Monitor on 
> both they are very similar yet memory usage is markedly different. I do 
> not know what I should be looking at to understand the issues and/or fixes.
2 GB RAM is not all that much for a desktop system.
> Is there an app that I can use to track what happens in the browser, 
> apache, php and Drupal when I start the Drupal site on my machine.
top?  ps?
> Off Topic...Does anyone know of a Rails dev who would be able to help 
> and teach me building a small application?
highly unlikely to ever happen. Rails developers are in demand and
always busy if they are any good. Railstutorial.org is where you should
focus. Also, there are some very good books but dead tree versions are
always out of date.


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