Like Eric, I find all this whinging about Harald's (supposed) rudeness far more annoying than the (supposed) rudeness. Please lay off and get on with talking
about substantive Fedora issues.


        Rolf Turner

On 19/07/13 09:35, Eric Viseur wrote:
As a recent newcomer, I only have one thing to say : I can live with some people being sometimes harsh. We're all human beings, we all lose our temper sometimes. Some do more often than others. But damn it, all this wee-wee about him being rude to others is becoming ridiculous and might drive me away from this mailing list. All you people whining, not Harald being rude sometimes.

Nuff said.

Eric Viseur

2013/7/18 Reindl Harald < <>>

    Am 18.07.2013 20:16, schrieb Thomas Dineen:
    > I highly disagree here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and the "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" gives you more voice?

    > I regard Harald as an annoyance and liability!

    your opinion, there exists a dirty quote about opinions

    > He has been extremely in polite on this reflector in the past,
    many, many
    > times, personally calling me and others names on multiple occasions

    the last i replied *to you* in 2013 was in 2013/01 as you insisted to
    recommend Fedora 14 *for others* which is unacceptable these days
    for security reasons instead recommend CentOS or whatever LTS

    fine that i have a good archive back to 2003 - after the thread
    below i
    would be careful how to argue - i have replied to you exaectly 5
    3 of them in the thread below and don't get me wrong but in that case
    well-deserved and after your quotes below who do you think you are
    that you judge others?

    >> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
    >> Betreff:     Re: F-18/64 Install Methods -
    >> Datum:       Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:18:34 -0800
    >> Von:         Thomas Dineen <
    >> An: <>
    >> Oh little boy, why don't you go fix your bugs? If you are
    capable of it????
    >> Thomas Dineen
    >> On 1/15/2013 11:06 AM, Thomas Dineen wrote:
    >> > I am a citizen of a free society I can suggest anything that
    I like!
    >> >
    >> > Take a break, learn to speak English, learn to express
    yourself in
    >> > civil manor, stop calling people names!!!!
    >> >
    >> > AND THEN FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> > Thomas Dineen

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