On Mon, 22 Jul 2013, Diego Vargas wrote:

Hello All,
Today I wanted to connect to a VPN with OpenVPN but the openvpn option has 
disappeared. I have a ovpn file, and if I do the import from file it says that 
doesn't recognize the VPN
connection information.
The exact message:
The file 'vpn-connection.ovpn' could not be read or does not contain recognized 
VPN connection information.

Error: Key file contains line 'client' which is not a key-value pair, group, or 

Now I only have four options:
The Cisco Any Connect Compatible VPN
Cisco Compatible VPN
Layer 2 tunneling protocal
Import from file

As I said, the openvpn option dissapeared.

Any help will be appreciated.


Are you using NetworkManager?  If so, make sure that the package 
NetworkManager-openvpn is installed, along with (of course) openvpn an the 
appropriate desktop widget (i.e. for me using KDE, it's 
kde-plasma-networkmanagement-openvpn and kde-plasma-nm-openvpn)

Not too long ago, I had a bunch of stuff go bad after some installations and updates, and 
I had to do a reinstall on NetworkManager and a few other such things.  If your 
experience is like mine, you might have to reinstall some of your network packages, even 
if it looks like they're installed with a "yum reinstall".

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