NOTE: an early draft of this question was sent somehow, ignore it

I have has miserable luck with fedup, is there a better way, anything? I really don't want to leave this machine down for days, and the 18->19 on a test machine took about 36 hours to complete, and another 3-4 to redo all the scripts from the ones on other machines which all use ethN to meaningless interface names. In 18 I just changed a single script to use (or not use) biosnames, and all was well, but on my test conversion to 19 that doesn't work, or the file was rewritten, and I finally used the name which changes every time the machine gets shuffled a bit.

Is there a better way than fedup, and why is it so slow?

Bill Davidsen <>
  "'Nothing to hide' does not imply 'nothing to fear'"
      - me
  "AT&T could not seriously contend that a reasonable entity in its position
   could have believed that the alleged domestic dragnet was legal."
      -judge Vaughn R. Walker of the U.S. District Court
       for the Northern District of California, EFF vs. AT&T

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