On 05/22/2015 07:12 PM, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 22/05/15 17:45, Ronal B Morse wrote:
>> UUID="5215-6D07"
>> without the quote marks.  The UUIDs for VFAT partitions are two quads
>> (2 X 4 char alphanumerics).
>> RBM 
> That's what I thought after googling UUID. It helps a lot to have it
> verified ... 
I found if I have a bad UUID line, my system won't boot. Then I just
have to boot something else, mount the partition. edit fstab, and
comment out the offending line, then it will boot... 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux User #367800 and new counter #561587

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