Hi Johannes,

thank you for chiming in!

All what you write is just perfectly aligned with my plans. That is so
cool to read.

On 18.12.20 19:00, Johannes Schlatow wrote:
> Besides the technological obstacles such as porting device drivers,
> there is also the question of usability. I think a basic
> support/integration of web apps would make the mobile Genode already
> quite usable.

Indeed. I'm secretly glimpsing towards Sailfish OS, which apparently
uses Qt5/QML as the basis for the application API. Since Genode supports
QML already, maybe we could explore the option to bridge the Sailfish
API to Genode, leveraging Goa? No concrete plan, just vague ideas.

While playing around with various distributions on the Pinephone, the
Morph browser of Ubuntu Touch left a very good impression me. It just
happens to be based on QML and QtWebEngine also.

> I also like that Norman mentioned optimisation. I have a few ideas in
> the back of my head regarding performance optimisation and debugging. I
> would very much like to get some system-level tracing infrastructure
> running. As I've been working with Lttng this year (outside the Genode
> sphere), I thought having a similar functionality on Genode could
> dramatically simplify identifying bottlenecks and race conditions. The
> nice thing is that the developers behind Lttng established the Common
> Trace Format to store trace data. Thus, once we get a CTF trace out of
> Genode, we could use all the existing analysis and visualisation tools.

That sounds like a match in heaven. :-)


Dr.-Ing. Norman Feske
Genode Labs

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